Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Holiday Getaway

Merry Christmas everyone!  This holiday season, my family decided to switch things up and take a winter vacation to Playa Del Carmen in Mexico.  Soaking up the sun and exploring the local markets and indigenous history has made for an incredible holiday thus far.  Though the trip is not over, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite moments from the past few days.

 Ancient Mayan ruins from 900 AD

These are just a few pics that have been taken over the past couple of days.  The rest of the week holds many more adventures that I cannot wait to share!

Happy Holidays
Alexandra S.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Inspire- Study Playlists

I'm guessing everyone else is drowning in work just as much as I am right now.  Welcome to finals?  Although every time I sit down to study for finals I feel like a massive rock has been tied to me, I have created this playlist that has been making the studying…dare I say it…bearable!  Check it out below and comment what you think!

Wait for Me- Kings of Leon
Revelry- Kings of Leon
Old Pine- Ben Howard
Thunder Clatter- Wild Club
Cigarette Daydreams- Cage the Elephant
Cough Syrup- Young the Giant
My Darlin'- Miley Cyrus, Future
Who You Love- John Mayer, Katy Perry
Tennis Court- Lord
Brave- Sarah Bareilles
The Monster- Eminem, Rihanna
Good Life- Tyler Ward feat. Heather Janssen
Floats My Boat- Aer
All Bad- Justin Bieber
Hang Loose- Alabama Shakes

Hope This Makes Your Studying a Little Better!

Alexandra S.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Health- Working Out For YOU

I went to a workout class a few days ago while I was back at home for Thanksgiving and during the class, the instructor was chanting to the beat of the song to "really work up a sweat so that you can eat the thanksgiving pie later".  In the moment that seemed like a valid statement to make since Thanksgiving is quite obviously notorious for over-indulgence.  However, after the class I started to resent what the instructor was saying.  Working out to simply look a certain way, or to be able to justify certain foods should not be the primary focus of exercising.  I am not denying that it plays a role, but it should not be the sole purpose for working out.  I've come up with a few reasons why you should work out for YOU and also some reasons to simply work out in general.  Enjoy!

1.  Endorphins:  Endorphins are peptides that function as a neurotransmitter and are stimulated during hyperactivity.  Need a translation?  Endorphins are what give you that mysterious "runners high" and general lift in mental health and are stimulated during exercise.  If you are having a bad day, it can be so tempting to lay in bed and watch chick flicks all day and you can do that, but exercise first!  You might be surprised at how much your spirits will be lifted after even a simple workout.  Exercise in any form is one of the best ways to cure those lethargic, mopey, and tired feelings that every college student experiences.

2.  Self Sufficiency and Empowerment:  It is incredibly easy to slip into the pattern of letting others determine how happy you are going to be.  My advice is to not let that happen.  The purpose of exercising should be about making yourself happy and feeling good.  Whatever intentions motivate that statement are personal, but do not let other people decide if you need to exercise or not.  That is 100% up to you and I promise, you will feel better about exercising when it was your idea and no one else's. When you do it for you, and not for your mother, the new dress, or society, you will feel empowered.  It feels good to be strong- physically and mentally because it feels like you can conquer anything.

3*.  Mother Nature: Being a collegiate athlete, I've learned that a gym is a luxury and privilege.  If you do not have access to a gym, that is not a reason to skip the exercise!  Mother nature is the world's greatest gym if you ask me since you can run, hike, bike, ski, play games, etc!  Those girls who stand on the elliptical for hours at a time are doing nothing but burning empty calories.  They aren't even the calories you should burn!  Being active by running around and working different muscle groups simultaneously will help you burn fat as well as sculpt your entire body.  Pretty cool right?  I think so.

4.  Fit is a Lifestyle:  Being fit is about exercising to be mentally and physically strong, eating clean, and treating your body right.  If you want to be fit and healthy, don't attend the exercise classes five days a week to burn the calories on the breakfast you ate earlier.   It doesn't count to exercise for two hours just so you can drink at a party later.  Not drinking, or watching your intake in addition to working out is living a clean lifestyle that makes up being fit.  Your body is a temple, treat it carefully.

Those are some of my reasons for working out.  It makes me feel good and that helps me in other aspects of my life as well.  Working out is not that hard, dedicate an hour a day and that's it!

a gym is not necessary *

Alexandra S.