Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Confessions- My First Time Riding A Bike

Okay, so it's not actually about the first time I ever rode a bike.

More along the lines of, the first time I rode my bike in the biking capital of the world.

I thought I would take you all along the little journey inside my head while I attempted to ride through the streets of Copenhagen, Denmark.

1. Yes! Today I get to be a real Dane and ride this bike!
2. Wow, this bike looks semi-intimidating..
3. It's okay Alex, you totally got this.
4. I'm on the bike, let's go!
5. Crap, I just turned left instead of right.  It's okay though, just loop around.
6. Okay, now we are looking good.  I'm off!
7. Wait, where do I have to go again?
8. This riding thing is totally easy, I got this in the bag.
9. I can even multi-task and look at the pretty birds flying around!
10. Oh, there is the sign that says where I need to go!
11. Wait, it's in Danish.
12. Oh my god, what do I do?
13. Umm, don't panic and go off of instinct!
14. So, braking in the middle of the pathway may not be the best instinct..
15. I'm gonna go left, I'm pretty sure thats correct.
16. That's definitely correct.
17. Wait is it? I don't actually know.
18. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming swimming swimming swimming
19. Shoot, someone is trying to pass me
21. Phew! He made it by and I didn't crash!
22. Hey look! I'm in the city.
23. Oh my god. So many cars, so many buses, so many bikers.
24. Stay calm Alex, just get in the heard of bikers but stay in the back so you don't die.
25. This isn't so bad!
27. This is it, I'm saying my goodbyes now.
28. Wait, did I just survive that?
29. I really am a rockstar
30. Mental self high-five
31. Okay wait, where am I going again?
32. Oh yeah, the queen's palace.
33. I wonder how I am doing on time?
34. Literally thank you Copenhagen for being a flat city.
35. Time to turn left in the city, you got this.
36. What's the hand signal for that again?
37. I'm just going to copy that person in front of me.
38. No wait, she's putting up her right hand so never mind.
39. She just turned left!
41. I don't understand biking.
42. Now that I missed my left turn, I should try again probably.
43. My right hand is raised, soo I'm just gonna go ahead and turn left now.
44. Wait why is that car headed straight at me?
45. I definitely just went not at my turn.
46. Stop laughing to yourself Alex, you look like an idiot.
47. I definitely think I'm on the right path now
48. Yah you got this!
49. This old woman in front of me needs to hurry up because I'm too scared to pass her.
50. I'm going to pass her
51. I'm doing it...this is is giving me an adrenaline rush.
51. Don't forget to check before moving into a different part of the lane..
52. Okay, bikers coming; I'll wait until they pass by.
53. Okay hurry up now
54. Oh my god why are there SO many of you
55. Finally a break! My time to shine
56. Makin' moves passing old ladies, Ohhhh yeahhhh
57. DID IT!
58. I see cobblestone, this can't be good.
59. This is the worst thing ever invented.
60. My head is bouncing up and down and my feet are slipping from the pedals.
61. Dear Europe, please invent new forms of road that are not cobblestone.
62. Why is there even cobblestone for a bike path?
63. Wait, what is this dude yelling at me for?
65. How the hell did I manage to ride onto cobblestone?
66. Am I ever going to get to this palace?
67. I need a mental health break
68. Wait, what is this building in front of me it's so pretty!
69. It's the palace.
70. I MADE IT!!!
71. This biking thing isn't so bad!
72. Now, I just need to get off the cool way the Danes do it.
73. Sliding my leg over and carefully coasting, got it.
74. Anndd my boot is stuck.
75. Oh god, going down.
76. Brush it off, no one saw that.  Right?
77. Actually, I don't care if anyone saw.
78. That cute boy just saw..
79. Greeeaaattttttttt
80. Just gonna walk my bike now and call it day.

Alexandra S.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Making Spring Happen

Though it is technically still winter, daylight savings has occurred which essentially translates to the welcoming of spring in my mind.  While spending a semester in Denmark has been incredible, the lack of sunlight was a tough adjustment for me. Thus, when the sun started shining and the temperature raised to a high of 47 degrees, I ran around like a crazy person welcoming the first signs of spring.

I like the welcoming of spring because it seems to have the most distinct seasonal transition.  To get in the mindset of spring, I enjoy changing up my routine a little bit.  Take a look and see what gets me ready for the spring time.

1.  Adding color and fresh flowers
     At the first sign of spring, my host mom and I went on project 'make spring happen' in the house.  We set fresh flowers at the table and swapped out the more ordinary table runner for one with lots of color and flower prints on it.  These two simple steps added so much life to the room and compliment the pictures hanging on the wall.  The dining room has a lot more light and color that is perfect for spring.

2.  Changing up my look
     Of course, spring requires a different look than winter because of temperature, but it is also fun to embrace the essence of spring by adding some color, patterns, and textures.  For me in Copenhagen, it is still too cold to completely ditch the winter coat however, I have been trying to swap out my all black regime to adding a little bit more white and color.  I think adding new textures adds a lot as well.  I have started to incorporate some lace which gives a more spring vibe in my opinion.

 Lips and Nails
   As I mentioned above, it is still very cold in Denmark so I can't transition to bright orange nails just yet, but I can add some more fun colors.  Shout out to my mother for sending me nail polish ( I was not feeling the bare nails look).  Also, I like to add some color to my makeup!  I typically stay pretty neutral with makeup, but I picked up this Revlon Lip Color in Darling Chérie which adds a subtle lavender color to my lips that I surprisingly really enjoy.  Who knew purple lips could be a thing?! I swear it's not weird...

3.  FOOD
    My favorite part.  Obviously.  Spring is all about colors right? So incorporate that into your diet!  Switch out the heavy winter staples like meats and stews for seasonal fruits!  My host mom and I went to the farmers market and picked up a ton of new fruit and I want to sing out loud because I am so happy about it (cue Pharrell and his hat).  This time of year I like to start making more salads and less sandwiches for lunch just because that seems to fit the mood a little bit better.  I always like to keep in mind what my mom taught from the beginning: the more colors on your plate, the better!

   I mean seriously, this look like heaven.

4.  Take advantage of the outside
    This can take so many different forms.  If I was back at college in California it would probably include going for hikes, laying out at the beach, or playing a pick up game of ultimate.  Here in Copenhagen, it means it is time for me complete my transition into Danish culture and ride my bike.  Since cycling is the most used form of transportation here, I can no longer use the cold weather as my excuse to take the train.  Today I hopped on my bike and rode around for about three hours simply exploring and getting used the roads.  I went into the city and learned how NOT to die, and I explored little neighborhoods too.  Being outside is amazing in general, but throw in some exercise, friends, Vitamin D, and of course picnics and it makes for the perfect spring life.

This is my way of making spring happen faster.  I feel that if I wish it come sooner, it should just happen.  Leave a comment letting me know your favorite things about spring!

Alexandra S.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Health- My Fitness Routine

Is anyone else trying to redeem themselves after this past holiday season?  I certainly am.  Over this break, I was not home long enough to activate my gym account so I came up with this routine to do at home to get in a good dose of daily exercise.  Enjoy!

Breakfast:  Since I typically do my workouts in the morning, it is important to fuel the body pre-workout to maximize efforts.  I like to start the morning off with good old fashioned oatmeal.  I use regular, unsweetened oatmeal.  To cook it, I mix 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup almond milk in a saucepan and bring to a boil.  Then, I add 1/2 cup oats and cook until it is done!  I like to add cinnamon, berries, flax seeds, and dash of organic agave to add some antioxidants and little bit of sweetness.  It is so perfect in the morning and gives the perfect amount of fuel!

Outfit:  Working out in the right gear can vastly improve a workout since comfort is key.  While I do venture off to other fitness brands, Nike is my favorite since I am continually inspired by their athletes and motivational efforts.  Watch these videos to get inspired and motivated!  

The Workout:  For the actual workout, I like to start off by doing a 30 minute run around my neighborhood.  I don't push myself too hard, but it is important to get the heart rate up and keep it there in order to continually improve your levels of fitness.  Since I live on a hill, I end my runs by doing hill sprints (4-6 X 60 meters) to work my 'fast-twitch' muscles and get a fully body cardio workout.  When I get back to the house, I do a medley of abs, arms, and legs.

My favorite ab workout is 8-minute abs which is simply 8 ab exercises held at a minute each.  I try to vary the exercises to work different parts of my core.  Exercises like plank, V-ups, crunches, side abs, and various lower-abs will give the best overall core workout.

Moving on to arms, I typically do a few sets of pushups as well as classic free-weight exercises like bicep curls, arm raises for the shoulders, and the tricep dip behind my head.  Using free weights is an excellent way to tone since it forces the entire body to be engaged giving benefits to not just the targeted areas.  I do free weights in 3 sets with reps of 10-12.  If I'm feeling super strong during pushups, I'll use the 'perfect pushup' which makes everything much harder (not that it ever ends well).

Finally, I end with various leg exercises (apologies for lack of pictures) such as lunges, squats, butt raises, calf raises, and wall sits.  I switch them up everyday depending on what I did the previous day. Again, I do these in 3 sets of 10 and if I want a challenge, I will add a medicine ball to all of the exercises.

So that's it!  I am no personal trainer, but I enjoy exercising and this is a fairly standard workout routine that is perfect to do without a gym.  Go ahead, give it a try.

Alexandra S.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Ringing in the New Year

I'm not a huge fan of the sappy and cliche new year's posts, but I am a big fan of starting a new year with a fresh and positive mindset.  For me, my room is my favorite place since it is where I do everything- sleep, think, hangout, get ready, etc.  To ring in the new year with a fresh start, I thought it would only be appropriate to do a room project.  The mission:  Organize 'till the death.  Closet, drawers, de-clutter, you name it.  Once I organized, I actually found my room to look a bit barren so I decided to add a few little decorations here and there to add some liveliness.

Cleaning out rooms and drawers is a simple way to not only organize personal items, but mentally organize as well.  While some people prefer the "organized chaos",  I find it extremely helpful to have everything in a place so that I can pick it up in the exact same place I left it.  When I stay clean and organized in my room, I stay more organized with other tasks.

That being said, two small New Year's resolutions for me will be trying to make my bed every morning and putting everything away once I am finished with it.

How are you starting off the new year?

Alexandra S.