
Inspire- Study Playlists

I'm guessing everyone else is drowning in work just as much as I am right now.  Welcome to finals?  Although every time I sit down to study for finals I feel like a massive rock has been tied to me, I have created this playlist that has been making the studying…dare I say it…bearable!  Check it out below and comment what you think!

Wait for Me- Kings of Leon
Revelry- Kings of Leon
Old Pine- Ben Howard
Thunder Clatter- Wild Club
Cigarette Daydreams- Cage the Elephant
Cough Syrup- Young the Giant
My Darlin'- Miley Cyrus, Future
Who You Love- John Mayer, Katy Perry
Tennis Court- Lord
Brave- Sarah Bareilles
The Monster- Eminem, Rihanna
Good Life- Tyler Ward feat. Heather Janssen
Floats My Boat- Aer
All Bad- Justin Bieber
Hang Loose- Alabama Shakes

Hope This Makes Your Studying a Little Better!

Alexandra S.

Inspire- Morning Routine

I used to not be a morning person at all simply because mornings can often feel rushed and stressful for me and I hate starting my day off with those feelings rushing into my system.

However, I find that when I do mornings the right way, I am most productive and happy in the quiet hours before the hustle and bustle begins.  Let me assure you, I am not waking up before the sun rises but I am waking up with adequate time for me to feel fully awake and feel at peace before school starts.  Here is my morning routine and why I love it:

1.  Waking up:  I like to wake up at least an hour and half or more before my class begins.  It works nicely for me since my first classes aren't until 9:30 or 11:00.  When my alarm wakes me up, I usually stay in bed for an extra ten to fifteen minutes just getting accustomed to not being asleep.  One thing I really love when I wake up is my alarm sound.  I use my iPhone as an alarm clock and I have it set so that I can choose a song to wake up to rather than the blaring beeping sound.  I pick a song that it is upbeat yet soft so that I do in fact wake up, but am not scared by the sound.

2.  Getting Ready:  After I have made it out of bed I immediately go to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth, etc.  This helps me feel more awake.  As I sit down to put on my makeup, I almost always light a candle (usually Vanilla) and put on a gentle  Ed Sheeran-esque playlist to create a soft and cozy environment rather than a harsh and rushed one.  I always take my time getting dressed and I also like to put on clothes that will make me feel more productive (so not sweats or Uggs).

3.  Breakfast: For breakfast I usually head to the coffee shop on campus and get some coffee or tea and a light breakfast.  During this time I find that I am most productive in either finishing up some homework or planning my day.  I think I am most productive simply because I am not trying to get it all done.  I leisurely do my work and when I do this I find I am most efficient.  Kinda backwards but it works!

I think for me, the trick is to take my time as well as be centered and calm throughout the morning.  If I save an important assignment for the morning of, it will lead me to a day of nervous energy and stress.  If I set aside that chunk of time in the morning to have my personal time and also get some work done, it makes an immense difference in how my days go.

Let me know what you do in the morning or what kind of playlists you like to listen to for the morning!

Alexandra S.

Motivational Monday

I found this quote the other day and I thought it was perfect to start the week off on a good foot.  I know a little Bob Dylan can always pick me up!

Enjoy the Monday!

Alexandra S.

Inspire- Grateful, Surprise, Happy.
One thing my mom taught me about a year ago is to understand and think about your day in a positive light.  I told her it was much easier said than done, but nonetheless was curious to see how she was able to achieve these nightly goals.

She said at the end of every day write down three things: one thing you were grateful for in the day, one thing that surprised you, and something that made you happy.  Simple, right?  It definitely took me a long time to regularly get in the habit of thinking about it and writing them down, but once I started to do it regularly, I can honestly say I sleep a little better and wake up a little fresher.

Usually I just jot down the three things from that very simply, not a lot explanation written by it because I know it in my head; for the sake of this blog post, I will elaborate on my day's 3 realizations.

Grateful:  My beautiful lab Lovey.  Lovey has been in our family for 7 years and I have enjoyed every minute (mostly) with her.  She really is so lovable and the sweetest lab you will ever encounter.  As I am home for a brief fall break, I walked in the door expecting her wagging tail but instead I saw her laying on the floor post intensive surgery.  My parents said they almost had to put her down; she had four tumors.  It was so shocking seeing her like this, when just two months ago I said goodbye to her perfectly happy and seeing her running around like a puppy.  The next few days were hard, but today I saw so much improvement in her and-que the cheesiness- I was just so grateful to see her back wagging her tail and basking in the sun.  It is so easy to take advantage of the presence of a pet, but when things take a turn for the worse, it puts it in perspective.  Lovey is my best friend and I am eternally grateful to have her in my life.

Surprising: Today I found the beauty of the fall leaves surprising.  Down in Southern California we kind of skip the fall and go straight from summer leaves to dead, barren trees.  Not all that exciting.  Since I am home for a couple days, I have just been surprised at the pure and raw beauty that my home town has to offer.  Every time I come home I expect the beautiful hills, but I am still taken aback at how stunning this place I call home is.  The leaves everywhere are golden and orange.  It is just breathtaking, and today it surprised me.  In the best way possible of course!

Happy:  Again, mushy...but my family made me happy today.  They make me happy most days, but taking in my last day with them before heading back to school, I was just happy to be around them!  We definitely are a crazy family but I love every minute of it, so I am going to go sleep smiling thinking about our adventures together.

Above: My beautiful momma and I celebrating
our birthdays this past August.

Right:  Family beach day! Yes, it was in the summer, but say hello to the rest of the family!
Thanks mom for playing photographer.

Overall, I have just found that these little exercises have helped me with my general attitude and well being throughout the day and especially when I go to sleep.  Since I tend to carry all my stress right before I go to sleep, this helps relieve some of that and end on a note that will typically leave me with even the slightest smile.

Let me know if you decide to try it out and if you think it helps!

Alexandra S.

Inspire- Music Mondays

Monday's are a struggle for seemingly everyone; for a college student they seem to be exponentially harder after the weekend.  Chances are you are exhausted from the weekend, exhausted from the day of classes, then piled up with a load of work that will have you in the cafe studying all night.  

For me, having a good playlist always makes studying a lot more enjoyable as well as motivational.

Here are some of my fave songs so far for October that have been on my monday playlist.

Enjoy! xo,

Yes Yes- The Colourist
Shake it Out- Florence + the Machine
Austere- The Joy Formidable
Give Me Love- Ed Sheeran
Tongue Tied- Grouplove
Ships in the Night- Matt Kearny
No Faith In Brooklyn- Hoodie Allen, Jhameel
Tennis Court- Lorde
Heartbreaker- Justin Bieber
Pumpin Blood- NONONO
My Darlin'- Miley Cyrus
How Does it Feel- The Green ft. Kimie
Nothing Left to Lose- Matt Kearny
Something Good- Alt-J
Sweater Weather- The Neighbourhood
These Streets- Bastille
Burn- Ellie Goulding
Daydreamin'- Ariana Grande

Don't forget to follow me on Spotify to check out all my other playlists!

Inspire - A Morning Stretch

Dreading the start of Monday?  Me too.  Of course everyone seems to get the case of the Monday's.  Rather than sulking in the dreariness of the realities that Monday's often seem to bring, I am going to try and start the week off on the right foot.

I have always loved doing yoga, but never seem to be able to find for it.  Although a lot of people do yoga for the physical benefits it offers, I always seem to get the most out of it mentally and emotionally.  Something about the flow and the smoothness is simply calming and centering to me.  But, being in college and having a jam packed schedule every day is obviously not conducive to living "calmly" and I tend to forget to breathe sometimes.  When I saw this awesome 15 minute yoga asana to balance your root chakra off of the Free People Blog, I was so excited to try it out.  Come the morning time I did, and I loved it.  It helped start my day out on the right foot and calmed my energy so I wasn't a total mess running around from class to meeting to class to practice.

I am going to try and start doing this at least a few times a week if not more.  Since it is so short and not that difficult, it is hard to get bored doing it.  Even if you don't feel a mental difference, at least it is a great morning stretch!  Go ahead, try it out- you might be pleasantly surprised :).

Alexandra S.

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